
vue.js numeric and string conversion 

Numeric to String Conversion:

// Numeric to String Conversion
let numericValue = 123;
let stringValue = `${numericValue}`; // String interpolation
// Or
let stringValue = numericValue.toString(); // Using toString() method


String to Numeric Conversion:

// String to Numeric Conversion
let stringValue = "123";
let numericValue = parseInt(stringValue); // For integers
// Or
let floatValue = parseFloat(stringValue); // For floats



let number = 10.6;

let rounded = Math.round(number); // Rounds to the nearest integer
// Output: 11

let roundedDown = Math.floor(number); // Rounds down to the nearest integer
// Output: 10

let roundedUp = Math.ceil(number); // Rounds up to the nearest integer
// Output: 11
let number = 10.6789;
let decimalPlaces = 2;
let rounded = Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces)) / Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
// Output: 10.68

Template Example:

    <p>Numeric to String Conversion: {{ numericValue.toString() }}</p>
    <p>String to Numeric Conversion: {{ parseInt(stringValue) }}</p>
    <p>Rounded Number: {{ Math.round(number) }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      numericValue: 123,
      stringValue: "123",
      number: 10.6



<p>Numeric to String Conversion: 123</p>
<p>String to Numeric Conversion: 456</p>
<p>Rounded Number: 11</p>

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