
php 코드의 숫자형, 문자형 변환 과 round 함수에 대해 알아 본다.


Numeric to String Conversion: 숫자형을 문자형으로

$numeric_value = 123;
$string_value = (string)$numeric_value; // Typecasting
// or
$string_value = $numeric_value . "";    // Concatenation


String to Numeric Conversion: 문자형을 숫자형으로

$string_value = "123";
$integer_value = intval($string_value);  // For integers
$float_value = floatval($string_value);  // For floats
// or
$integer_value = (int)$string_value;    // Typecasting for integers
$float_value = (float)$string_value;    // Typecasting for floats


Defining Decimal Precision: 소수잠 자리수

$float_number = 123.4567;
$formatted_number = number_format($float_number, 2); // Formats to 2 decimal places
// Output: 123.46


Rounding Modes: 올림, 반올림

  • PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP: Round halves up
  • PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN: Round halves down
  • PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN: Round halves to even numbers
  • PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD: Round halves to odd numbers
$number = 10.5;
$rounded_up = round($number, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$rounded_down = round($number, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
echo $rounded_up;   // Output: 11
echo $rounded_down; // Output: 10

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